050: Discovering Artistic Passion Later in Life: Bianca’s Artistic Journey



Bianca Lever exchanged the lowlands of The Netherlands for the rolling hills of Italy where she now lives and works as a full-time artist.

Nestled in La Marche, near Sassoferrato, Bianca's journey into the art world began somewhere in her 40s – a testament that it's never too late to pursue one's passion. At first, painting was a solitary hobby, a means to escape and express. But the Italian zest for life, the warmth of the people, and the boundless natural beauty acted as catalysts, igniting a transformation in her work, infusing it with bright, bold colors and an unmissable energy.



The evolution from hobbyist to professional was more than just about painting but encompassed an array of new skills. Establishing a solid online presence was pivotal – this meant nurturing a social media following, creating a functional and attractive website, attending art fairs, and learning the nitty-gritty of the art business, from logistics like shipping artworks overseas to formulating an artistic brand and vision.



For Bianca, painting is more than a profession; it is her sanctuary, her way of processing feelings and experiences. Art becomes her language of hope and positivity, a source of solace and an extension of herself. She thrives on the emotional resonance that art can elicit, aiming to spread happiness and provoke contemplation.



Witnessing someone stop in their tracks, moved to tears by a painting, is a humbling moment for Bianca. It's confirmation of art's profound impact on the human spirit. Yet, this doesn't exempt her from the universal artistic struggle – the dreaded block. When inspiration dims, she shakes the routine, experiments with new materials, and simply keeps going until her creative flow returns.



Bianca's dedication is a beautiful balance between creation and contribution. It's more than a painting hanging on a wall; it’s a celebration of life's vibrancy, a tribute to nature's wonders, and a heartfelt contribution to causes like wildlife conservation.

Enjoy more of Biana's story in Podcast 50

Mentioned in this episode:

Book: Elizabeth Gilbert's "Big Magic" and Bianca Behrens' "In My Studio"

Quote: 'Start before you are ready.'

Artists: Jenny Saville, Andy Warhol, Lita Cabelutt


Connect with Bianca

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bianca_lever_art/

Website: https://www.biancalever.com/



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