While this pandemic is real and continues to keep us in it’s grip there is a still larger enemy lurking in the shadows. Whether you are aware of it or not.... there is another battle commencing.


The fight is for your attention.


1000’s of impulses nudges, pokes and pitches are thrown at you every minute begging you to stop and take notice.

It's safe to say that this is the biggest battle we face in our time and those that scream the loudest, poke the hardest, come up as winners.

Their prize is not only your attention but they plunder all that your attention stands for.

They steal your talents, rob your dreams, snuff out your passions and hold your future ransom.

All those distractions are costing you dearly.


If you want to build that enjoyable, sustainable art business it’s important to detect WHO you are giving your attention to.


Your time is precious.


You may not have control over the rate those minutes, hours or days whiz by but you do have control over HOW you spend your time.

This may sound great in a blog but experience teaches us, that those invisible forces tugging at your time and calling for your attention often have the upper hand.

But all is NOT lost!!!!

When you become aware HOW and to WHOM you are giving your attention too, then can you get the control back and use all of that precious time to build your dreams, make your art and live the life you love!


In this episode we will be looking at 5 Life Hacks that you can start to implement today to start to combat those distractions. Finding ways to use your time, your attention and focus to create, to make your art and see growth in your art and art business.


This episode come with a FREE RESOURCE for you to download. The practical task will help you renew your focus and find ways to improve your creative productivity.


You can download the worksheet here.


 Click here to listen!


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